What am I DOING? The same stuff as before.

Uh oh, it looks like another Wednesday is upon us. And once again, I’m pretty much between projects. Here’s the sock:

The stripes look pretty good.

I finished the heel, which means I now go around and around and around until it’s long enough, and sew closed the toe. I don’t work on this very much because I can usually find something else to do.

I’m trying to decide if my next project should be weaving or sewing. It should probably be sewing because someone on Etsy requested something. So I should get on that. It’s just that I’ll have to buy fabric, and it’s hard to remember these things.

I opened my script to check it out, but haven’t done any more writing so far… I have some notes about what scenes needed to be written, but the notes are really old and I couldn’t remember if I’d written those scenes yet! The answer is no, I haven’t written them. I need to figure out exactly where to put them. They need to go right in the middle of a bunch of short scenes and I just have to figure out the best flow.

Between these 2 scenes I have to write a really important scene where people get beat up.

I know that after I have these scenes written (hopefully all the scenes I’ll ever write again for this script), I need to go through and add more action to the scenes that are mostly dialogue. But then… dare I say it will be finished? I’ve said that so many times.

I also have this jacket:

horrid photo!

This was a recon from my mending pile, and my main goal was to get it out of my mending pile. But as you can see, it’s very boring. It’s wearable, but boring. I can’t figure out what to do with it. I have none of that fabric left, so I can’t make any structural changes. That leaves the purely graphic design of adding stuff onto it. Trim, embroidery, contrast fabric details. No one ever believes this, but I’m really bad at graphic design. My clothing design is based on structure and construction. Purely visual stuff, I don’t do so well. So I’m going to ruminate on this jacket for a while.

That’s it for me right now! Do you guys have stuff going on?

About Volatile Volscian

Volatile Volscian makes a lot of stuff in order to ease the time while waiting around to die. If she could have anything in the world, she would choose the ability to time travel so she can look at real medieval clothing instead of doing annoying research.
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