What Am I DOING? Bustle, smock and sock.

This is going to be quick, because writing this post is interrupting my very important schedule today, of hiding under a pile of blankets with the comforting warmth of my dog next to me. So here we go:

This is a skirt. I found it in my summer wardrobe, which I recently began delving into. I got it at the very end of last summer, so I don’t think I ever wore it before it got put away for the season. The thing is, it’s one of those tiered broomstick skirts, which I somehow keep ending up with even though they look terrible on me. So I decided to add a pseudo-bustle thing in the back, hoping that would make it look better. This photo shows how I’ve pleated it up, but I’ve decided to abandon this design in favor of something much easier.

I know, this is the greatest photo ever taken.

This is a Viking smock which is almost completed. I need to sew the sides, sew the sleeves on, and hem it. Unfortunately, I will be hemming it by hand, so that will take a million years, but it should be done by next week.

This looks familiar...

And this is the next loom sock. The thing about socks is, you have to make two of them.

About Volatile Volscian

Volatile Volscian makes a lot of stuff in order to ease the time while waiting around to die. If she could have anything in the world, she would choose the ability to time travel so she can look at real medieval clothing instead of doing annoying research.
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