I had a lovely lunch and brainstorming session with The Cotton Floozy and Volatile Volscian* last week in Provo. We ate at the new Two Jacks Pizza at 80 W. Center Street (in what used to be a Pier 49 pizza parlor) and then popped over to Heindselman’s in Provo** because OF COURSE we did. We raided their clearance yarn and I’m not ashamed to say that I grabbed one of Floozy’s picks out of her basket because I needed it more than she did. Looking forward to telling you more about that soon!
At the checkout counter, I noticed a flyer for a Provo/Orem crafters meetup. I think it’s the same one I read about in the Daily Herald a year (or more?) ago, and I hope to check it out sometime soon.
Fabulous Fibers
We appreciate all knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers, bobbin lace makers, tatters, quilters, and beaders, or anyone who shows up!
Free Group
Casual Setting and Dress
Meetings Wednesday 7pm
Barnes & Noble Cafe, University Parkway, Orem
Contact Info:
I’m a little offended that embroiderers and cross-stitchers were overlooked on the list while beaders were not… but I suppose I’m not overly offended. Speaking of being offended, I wonder what the dynamic of the group will be. Will it be an “oh my heck” dynamic or a “shit damn hell”-tolerant dynamic? It’s in a public bookstore so I wouldn’t expect anything racier than that. (Though a girl with a sailor’s mouth can dream.) I guess we’ll see!
*Whose name I mistakenly thought was “Volsican” and only just discovered that it’s Volscian. Which makes a hell of a lot more sense since her real name may or may not be the same as a certain maiden warrior character in Virgil’s Aeneid, who was a Volscian.
**It breaks my heart that Heindselman’s doesn’t have a website. I’m glad that I could at least link to their entry on Knitmap, though.