Scandalous Find at The Dollar Store!

Floozy Finds - The Cotton Floozy reveals Utah County craft culture

I really really like the dollar store. This meshes well with my lowbrow tastes in cuisine and novels and Velveeta. You can buy so much awesome at the dollar store! You can even buy this:

Sometimes a cigar is not just a cigar.

Can you believe this?! I always thought The Dollar Tree was a family-friendly place, but now I’m not so sure. Can someone call The Eagle Forum ASAP? We need to picket. And then how about afterwards I take you back to my apartment for a drink, Big Boy.


About TheCottonFloozy

The Cotton Floozy finds solace in subversive embroidery, clever crochet, and teaching her kids how to be normal in an abnormal society. She finds horrifically awesome things in Utah Valley and shares them here.
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