Real Life with Vintage Jodie: My son’s new friend

Real Life with Vintage Jodie - by Real Pretend Vintage

One of my goals as a mom is to get my children acquainted with society and gain skills that will help them through life. That being said, I feel compelled to share with you a heartwarming story from my real life!

Last night my four year old son acquired a new friend. I have seldom seen him so excited. He sat in my home office with me for well over an hour carrying on about the wonders of his new friend. It was rather humorous and endearing, so I listened and nodded when appropriate.

He was still babbling on about his new friend at bedtime and I finally consented to letting his pal spend the night. Then when “someone” would not stay in his bed, I threatened to remove the friend from his bedroom. My son cried real tears and went to bed for the rest of the night.

Imagine the joy, when I went into check on him later, and he was snuggled up next to his new buddy, so cute, so innocent, so….

Vintage Jodie's son has a cooling fan for a new best friend

I know! His new best friend is a computer cooling fan. Daddy was the wonderous giver of this amazing gift. I don’t know it this bodes well for his future career goals, or if I should be concerend about his social skills.

Love, Vintage Jodie

About Vintage Jodie

Jodie Holdman is a graphic designer who also finds joy in creating jewelry and ephemera for her Etsy shop (Real Pretend Vintage), baking sinfully caloric treats, and crocheting with her daughter. Riding her beach cruiser bicycle always puts her in a good mood.
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3 Responses to Real Life with Vintage Jodie: My son’s new friend

  1. Sounds like a slippery slope, Jodie. First it’s a little computer fan and the next thing you know, your son is in his toddler bed, spooning a jet engine.

  2. Dame Toadstool says:

    I can sort of see his smile behind the fan! So cute! I would vote for it looking good for his future career.

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