What are we DOING?!?! Redwall cheese and a crochet sock.

what are we DOING?

Today I was running around like a maniac, trying to fill out paperwork, going to therapy, buying milk, going to the post office, test driving a car. I forgot until 1/2 hour before bedtime that it was my day to post! Fortunately I don’t have much to write today, so I should be able to go to bed as scheduled.

I haven’t been making anything recently because I’m more interested in finding a new car. I only have 2 things going on:

My sister has asked me to create a Redwall feast for her birthday party on Sunday. In preparation of that, today I made some Redwall cheese. I don’t know which book it’s from because I didn’t take notes quite that helpful, but it’s in there somewhere. It’s white cheese with sage. Almost all Redwall cheese has something mixed into it, which is why I had to make my own! I even used sage from my garden. The recipe is here. I didn’t get a photo of the finished cheese because I was cold and lazy.

The other thing is that my friend, Derpenna, taught me how to crochet a while ago. She taught me the single crochet stitch. My first project, like all first crochet projects, was a deformed rectangle of cloth. I decided on a stitch that I like the look of, which is apparently called a slip stitch, and went on to a very ambitious 2nd project: crocheting socks. I’m doing them in the same way I’ve done my naalbinding socks, but with crochet instead, which I’ve found I prefer because it’s a bit faster, and I can actually undo mistakes.  Here they are so far:

y u so fat

They’re not going to match, and I’m okay with that.

So what are you guys up to?

About Volatile Volscian

Volatile Volscian makes a lot of stuff in order to ease the time while waiting around to die. If she could have anything in the world, she would choose the ability to time travel so she can look at real medieval clothing instead of doing annoying research.
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4 Responses to What are we DOING?!?! Redwall cheese and a crochet sock.

  1. Dame Toadstool says:

    A neapolitan sock! I love it! Nice photo with the pink background, too. :) Do we get photos of the cheese, too? Or will you show us a photo of the feast next week?

    Good luck car shopping. That can be really stressful for me.

    • Volatile Volscian says:

      I will hopefully be able to get photos of the feast food. For sure I’ll get a photo of the cheese when it’s all nicely displayed on a cutting block.

  2. Loaf says:

    Yay for crochet! I made a couple hats this week for my unborn niece. And, yes, I want to eat that sock. Looks like sherbet, or perhaps it even better resembles sherbeRt.

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