What’s your Perfect Date in Utah County?

Our famed local newspaper, The Daily Herald, wants to know about your favorite date spot/activity in Utah County and why you love it. Here are the details. Submission window ends February 3.

I wonder what percentage of those submissions will be related to creative dating. More than wonder, I really dread the answer. I considered submitting mine, but I doubt it would be published… it involves going to the Bombay House for dinner and then stopping at the new Springville liquor store and spending the rest of the night hanging out at home, enjoying each other’s company with a bottle of wine and/or some tequila. Why wouldn’t my submission be published? Why, here is an anecdote that may hold the answer.

My first real “oh, shit, what have we gotten ourselves into” moment regarding our move from Ohio to Utah came in September 2005. My husband had formally accepted his new job in Provo and we flew out to Utah for a weekend to look for an apartment. I was sitting on a bed in the Hampton Inn in Orem (nice digs, btw) with my laptop open and searching for the local newspaper’s name and website so I could browse the classifieds. I discovered that name of the paper I wanted was The Daily Herald… and then I noticed the URL.


As in, “Hark the herald angels sing.” As in, WTF.

That URL still works, but as of a couple years ago it now redirects traffic to their new and more secularly named website, heraldextra.com. I’m not dumb, though. I know when a newspaper also owns cougarblue.com, a direct pipeline to BYU sports, that a certain religion-that-shall-not-be-named has a stronghold on my local newspaper. It’s also obvious if you start to actually read the content of the paper. And I find that very irritating.

Summary: there’s no such thing as liberal-run media in Utah County. :(

About Dame Toadstool

From her humble Midwestern beginnings, Dame Toadstool has developed into a lady of fine taste (as long as you are flexible with the definition of "fine"). She enjoys sarcasm, knitting, subversive cross-stitching, and will never stop using the Oxford comma.
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3 Responses to What’s your Perfect Date in Utah County?

  1. Sally Forthright says:

    That new liquor store is awesome! It fills my southern Utah County soul with happiness. Also: buttershots.

  2. Stephanie Sorensen says:

    I think your idea of the Bombay House and then the liquor store is perfect! In fact, many a night was spent with me and my best girl friend doing exactly that! We didn’t have dates, so we decided to date each other, well, in a completely heterosexual kind of way. Not that I have anything against any other sexual preference. We just didn’t fit the typical BYU, Utah County stereotype. I think we scared the boys!

  3. Kat says:

    You guys have the better Bombay House down there, anyway.

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