Vintage Valentine Day Cards (for saints and sinners alike)

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However you feel about Valentine’s Day, it’s impossible to avoid. February 14 is here with all the hearts and pink and candy and sweetheart this and that. Mass-produced greeting cards have been part of American culture for some time now… as evidenced by some delightful vintage Valentine Day cards that I found at an antique store right here in Utah. Remember the days before character licensing ruled over this special day? Nope, neither do I.

vintage valentine card - saint or sinner i'm a winner

Saint or Sinner, you’re a winner, because the Pope ousted St. Valentine from the official Feast Day Roster in 1969. Sixty-nine. Ahem. Moving on.

vintage valentine's day card - you weigh heavy on my mind

Nothing says Happy Valentine’s Day like a card that gives a visual representation of how fat your loved one thinks you are! It’s okay, the giver is willing to look past your cellulite if you’ll put out. Speaking of putting out… here is the original sentiment on the valentine from last week’s caption contest.

vintage valentine - always be tramping after you

My favorite vintage valentines are simply penetrated with innuendo! Hey-o! Did you know that tramps were once considered “gentlemen of the road?” I suppose the meaning has swollen to include ladies and persons of more androgynous nature.

Oh, you want innuendo? My favorite, possibly of all time, is this next one.

vintage valentine day card - You're a pretty package. I'd like to tie you to me.

For LIFE, Valentine. In my basement dungeon. You know what I mean. Oh, and here! I also got you a box of See’s candies.

And that’s where I should probably end this post, but there’s one more I have to share. Because it distracts and confuses me. What do you think of it? Examine everything: the creepy face, the weird butt hanky, the baseball cap with a coon tail accent…

vintage Valentine Day cards can be really, really creepy regardless of the message. This one's all in the art.

…aaaaaaand the box of candy that is clearly labeled “Made in U.S.A.” The squirrel is turned on by his patriotism! Or is she just eyeing his nuts? Who knows? Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Caption Contest with a Vintage Valentine

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It’s our first contest and giveaway! Woohoo! All you have to do is come up with a caption for this vintage Valentine’s day card. Leave your entry in a comment below.

vintage valentine caption contest

Bonus points if you edit the image to include your caption, and even more bonus points if you blog about your entry and this contest (be sure to link to those in your comment).

The best entries will be featured in a post on Valentine’s Day, when the original caption of this vintage Valentine will also be revealed.

Who can enter? Anyone who leaves a comment by February 12 14 that isn’t spam. You must live in the United States to win the prize.

What’s the prize? The original valentine! Yes, we will send you, via snail mail, this vintage beauty from Dame Toadstool’s personal collection. It came from an antique store in Salt Lake City. This prize value is an astounding $5, but regretfully the winner does not have the option to take a cash equivalent.

How will you choose a winner? The small circle of “fine” ladies behind Happy Valley Crafters will judge the contest entries based on their creativity and humor. The winner will be chosen subjectively.

How do I pander to the judges? Make it snarky, sassy, and rife with innuendo.

That’s it! Good luck to you and your creative captioning.


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What am I DOING? Frankensteinish and Unicorns.

Alright, so here’s what’s going on right now:

I’m still working on this sock. It looks pretty good except that I’m afraid it will be too narrow for my duck feet. Hopefully it’s stretchy enough…

And I’m still working on these horrific, Frankensteinish socks. No further comment.

And I’m doing some weaving because a lady in my ward wanted a bracelet, but it’s a waste of time and yarn to string up the cards to weave only 6-7 inches, so I’m doing a long piece and will just cut some off for her. I have about 3 feet left on this.

Tonight, I was supposed to go to an advanced screening of Unicorn City, a very Happy-Valley type film, as a lot of the names connected to it are film people from BYU. But my date had rehearsal tonight, and I guess I would rather sleep than see it alone. Still, I want to spread awareness of this delightful film.

That’s all for now! I will attack my mending pile soon.

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Sundance Film Festival was the (Yarn) Bomb!

I spent the last two weeks of January in beautiful Park City, Utah, which turns into a snowy Little L.A. every year during the Sundance Film Festival. One of the best decisions I ever made in life was to start volunteering there. It’s an amazing and unique experience every year, but the BIG BONUS is that I get the hell out of Utah County and can avoid the mid-winter depression that otherwise sets in around that time.

Knowing how busy I was going to be this year, what with the daily volunteer shifts, film watching, celebrity hobnobbing, and squeezing in some freelance work, I didn’t take any craft projects along. It would just make me sad to have taken a project and not touched it for two weeks. But my trip was not entirely craft-free. Let me paint you a picture, as it were, with some new-fashioned photographs. This is a section of Main Street in Park City during the festival.

Sundance Film Festival 2012 - Main Street in Park City

Look closer!

Yarn bombing at Sundance... sponsored by Yahoo!

My heart went a-pitter-patter when I realized that there was some form of yarn bombing in progress! Yarn bombing, for the uninitiated, is essentially knitted graffiti – though its non-damaging nature really makes it more of a temporary art installation. Sometimes yarn bombing is socio-politically motivated (and referred to as “guerilla knitting”) but most of the time it’s just decorative and fun. Upon closer inspection of the wrapping on this lamp post, this one was tagged by Yahoo!, one of the official Sundance sponsors. It’s the first time I’ve seen a corporation sponsor a knitted installation—usually it’s a group of local knitters who organize themselves or work in tandem with local art fairs. But I definitely approve of a corporation using its ridiculous mounds of cash for knitted street  art as opposed to marketing campaigns that involve, for example, the objectification of women. I hopped over to the Festival Co-Op, where the bigger sponsors had display space, and I nearly wet my pants from the YARN BOMB AWESOME!

Yahoo! sponsor booth at Sundance Film Festival 2012

The walls were covered in knitted patchwork. The dimensional letters were covered on all visible sides with coordinated knitting. My favorite part was the array of exercise balls  that were covered with different yarns and patterns – some knitted, some crocheted. What a great idea for sprucing up those exercise balls you have laying around your house that you never use for exercise, anyway! (I am speaking to myself, mostly.)

yarn bombed exercise balls at the Yahoo booth at Sundance Film Festival 2012

The representative at the display booth told me that Yahoo! hired a group from Texas to do all of the yarn bombing. I was a little disappointed that they didn’t hire any Utah locals, especially since I know that there’s a pretty prolific group connected with the Blazing Needles knitting store in Salt Lake City. Nevertheless, Yahoo! had an interesting reason for sponsoring knitted installations in the first place: because telling a cinematic story is like spinning a yarn. Clever.

Also clever was the related sponsor giveaway:

knitted mittens giveaway by Yahoo at Sundance 2012

So fun! Though my fingers are short so there’s a lot of floppy space on the ends. Still, I love the prison-knuckle-tattoo sentiment that these mittens evoke. I hadn’t seen anything like it before the festival. But wouldn’t you know it, on the bus sometime that week, I spotted a similar pair!

Giving decisions a hand with oui and non mittens

Sundance Film Festival: when talking to and taking photos of random strangers is encouraged and expected. This lovely, nameless model who is clearly cooler than me said that she purchased these gloves from ASOS. I couldn’t find these exact ones for sale, but if you search for mittens you’ll find a large selection of trendy knitted styles. Even some with pom-poms sewn on, which is interesting though not entirely practical. Pom-poms… now found on mittens and chandeliers!

chandelier with Yahoo yarn bomb pom poms

I could NOT resist that segue! Now let’s stretch that segue out to involve pom-poms and a big bronze pig.

bronze pigs look better with scarves and pom pom earrings.

Bronze pigs look better with scarves and pom-pom earrings, don’t you think?

During one of the snow storms that didn’t stick due to warmer-than-average temperatures, I caught some of the yarn bombers in action on Main Street. They knit as much as possible beforehand, then whipstitch it onto the intended structure or object.

Yarn bomber in action in Park City at Sundance Film Festival

Guerilla knitting winter wardrobe requirement: convertible knitted mittens.

watching a yarn bomb artist in action

Lamp posts, railings, and tree trunks are straightforward enough to cover in pre-knitted panels of yarn. It’s the more complex objects that are awe-inspring. You know, like food trucks.

Yarn bombed food truck sponsored by Yahoo at Sundance Film Festival 2012

That obviously required some planning! And hopefully the group from Texas was able to assemble this one in a garage. This Yahoo!-sponsored food truck was stationed outside one of the more remote film venues and was giving out small samples of Bertolli soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. Knitting AND free food? Yahoo!, you hit my demographic spot on. Thanks. I hope you do it again next year!

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What am I DOING? More about socks, and piracy

I guess it’s obvious by now that I’m obsessed with socks. I just don’t have enough warm socks and the ones I do have need to be made to last as long as possible.

Which is why I’m doing this:

If you’re wondering what’s going on here, I don’t blame you. Here is the sad story of this sock and its mate.

I made them a few years ago using the Naalbinding technique (which I’ll address sometime in Historically Hers). But I was a fool! A foolish fool! I washed them wrongly often enough to felt them down to child size socks. But I couldn’t just abandon these socks which I’d worked so hard on and which were so warm and soft, so I cut some slashes in the ankles to make room to shove my duck feet through. Worked well enough for a while, but it still didn’t fit well, and it let the cold air touch my ankles. So, now I’m making the slash the entire length of the sock, and am filling it in with more naalbinding stitches to make it nice and big again.

Of course, it looks terrible because I don’t have any of the original yarn left, so I chose some that I didn’t want to weave with. But at this point, I’d rather the socks be functional, not beautiful. I have another pair that suffered the same degradation and will experience the same fate.

I’m still working on the knitting loom sock, but it’s in the car so I’m not going to get a photo.

Here’s the other thing I’m working on:

The Book of Jer3miah

Once upon a time, 3 years ago, a bunch of BYU classes went in together to make this webseries (/interactive experience, but I never really did that).

I desperately want this on DVD, but can’t find it! If anyone can, let me know and I’ll stop this piracy.

Since I can’t find it, I decided to download the videos and cut them together into a continuous film, which is much easier to watch than having titles and credits every 5-10 minutes.

It’s been a complicated process, downloading and converting the videos, and I have to do the audio separately because my Premiere is having problems with it. But, I like doing this stuff, and I think it’ll be worth it.

That’s really it right now. Remember that thing I mentioned last week that I needed to do for Etsy? Yeah I haven’t done that yet. It will be fast and easy once I get the fabric, but I go back and forth between my house and two jobs in Murray, Salt Lake and Provo respectively, so I just don’t want to do more driving to go shopping. But it will happen soon.

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