The Floozy Christmas Gift Guide

It is almost Christmas! If you have procrastinated buying presents, fear not! I have a few great tips that you can learn all about in this . . . . THE FLOOZY CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE.


I can crochet. Maybe you cannot. If you can crochet, stitch a doggie sweater. Make it up! Just be sure to put some holes for the front legs and give the undercarriage of the sweater some clearance for the doggie’s hoohaw. If you cannot crochet, find someone who can. A Granny maybe, or a spinster schoolmarm.

a sweater for a dog

This sweater will make me popular with the ladiez.

Weasley is only modeling this sweater. It will be given to his dog buddy, Wrigley.

HOhKAAAY, this is where I got carried away with the ‘effects’ feature in iPhoto.

Oh Holy Dog


He seeees you when you're sleeping. He knoooowssss when you're awake.

Re-gifted White Elephants are a great idea! I won this gem at a White Elephant Gift Party. I sorta wanted to win Humphrey the Humping Dog Toy, but alas, it was not meant to be. Creepy Cookie Jar will be mine. Never to be re-gifted, unless I get super desperate. And then who knows! Maybe it will be yours someday to store your own re-gifted white elephants. Dream big!


Because nothing says I love you like a coffee table book.

You’ve heard of the Internet, right? Well, the Internet has been corporealized in fancy coffee table books! My favorite is the Awkward Family Photos book. Why, you may ask? Because I am in it!

If I swoon awkwardly, will all of my Man Relatives stare at me with creepy grins?


Soft and sexy for Mr. Floozy, I faint backwardsly.


Big barrettes are crazy awesome, but ginormous jingly fascinators are even more so! You can make one, too! Go look at the dregs of your Christmas ornaments storage box, find all of the cool broken bits and lost body parts from the Island of Misfit Toys and glue gun them together. With a barrette (or three) to clasp on your hair. (If bald, glue directly to your head.)

It jingles when I move my neck muscles!

Granger my dog also looks great wearing the Xtreme Holiday Fascinator!

♫ Oh tannenbaum, oh tannenbaum, my mother is so crazy. ♫


When all else fails . . . .

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Give the gift of bacon.


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Floozy Finds: Let the Weird Butterfly Teach us This Wisdom

Floozy Finds - The Cotton Floozy reveals Utah County craft cultureI was perusing the wonders of The Quilted Bear, when lo! I stumbled upon this beautiful butterfly.

Love One Another

Love One Another sayeth the Googly-Eyed Butterfly of Wisdom

Now, some of you may have noticed that the comments got all aflutter in my last post on Creative Dating. A few people, pulled out their holier-than-thou rug, stood on it, and chastised me. More people responded by trying to pull that rug out from under them. It was exciting! And honestly, honestly, it was great. Even when I was called to repentance. I loved it! It’s not like I’m not used to it by now. If you want to take the moral high ground and tell me that where I’m standing is muddy and full of mud and muddiness, you go on and do that. That’s what this blog is for. Also, on the other hand if you want to defend me or my statements and lather up the swears, do it! This blog isn’t censored. We are okay with the swears. We are okay with vulgarities. We are okay with prudes, luddites, hippies, dippies, sailor mouths, mollies, and moolies (I made that last one up). If this blog isn’t for you, fine. Okay, that makes me sad, because I like you! Stay! Have fun discussing the weirdness of Utah County. If it is hard for you, grow a second skin, or hey, have one of mine. I haven’t showered in like two days and this one is peeling right off.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER, sayeth the Floozy and The Weird Butterfly of Wisdom.





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Creative Dating in Utah County!

Perhaps you know all about my life story since it was recently portrayed by Tina Yothers in the acclaimed Lifetime Channel movie: From Kiss Virgin to Floozy: The True Story of a Utah County Craft ‘Ho: The Cotton Floozy.

Or maybe not.

I grew up in Utah County! It was mostly super fun! I was extremely naive and thrived inside a bubble of ignorant bliss. It smelled like cotton candy and unicorns in there, yo. I had my first kiss on stage. In a play. It was about as erotic as two fish dying together on the same hooked line.

Most of my friends weren’t only virgins. They were lip virgins. You have no idea how incredibly repressed we were! Here is an example of things me and my friends would do in our spare time for fun: ding dong ditch, play racquetball, steal portable flashing street signs and place them on the front porch of boys/girls we liked (teeheehee!). Also, there was this thing called blatting. Blatting was a super secret ritual where you went out and bought a pie, placed it on the road, waited for it to be run over by a car, and then crawled over to it on your knees and lapped it up like a dog. I never actually did this. But I have many friends who did. (You know who you are.)

The coolest thing about growing up in Utah County was dating. It wasn’t just ordinary blah dating. It was creative dating. 

The first step in the creative dating process is: Asking Someone Out.

asking someone out

Which box will your special someone check?

Heaven forbid you actually just call up that person and ask them on a date! That is so not cool, you boring losers from loserville! You need to ask them out creatively. The most obvious ways are to put the Will-You-Go-Out-With-Me?-Question on a piece of paper and slip it into something tricky like a balloon or a rotting fish mouth. (My brother totally did this once.) Other overused methods include: scavenger hunts, puzzles with the message written on the back, and singing telegrams. You get the idea. I once asked a guy out by making him pour an ice-cold bucket of water over his head as the answer ‘yes’ to going to the dance with me (Teeheeheee!) In retrospect, the guy should have thrown the bucket over me and said, ‘get a life, you freak!’

After the asking and the accepting parts have been completed, it is time to move on to the actual date. This, too, must be creative. Once my date and I dressed up in black garbage bags and used unconventional utensils like spatulas and tongs for a messy spaghetti dinner. Oh, and our wrists were tied together. To each other’s. Get it? At that time, it was probably the closest I had been to a boy, ever. On another date, my friends and I made a picnic together in the middle of the Orem Mall. We all wore matching shirts. Here is a picture with one of the fellows:

creative dating

This is in no way polygamous looking nope.

I ask myself, “Self, why is there only one guy in this picture, when there were in fact, two other guys on this date?” I do not have a clue! I bet it’s because it was a group date thingey (a UC phenomena to be saved for another post) and so no one was paired up. Because that would be evil obviously.

And maybe you are wondering why there is a fleur de lis sticker over the guy’s face? That would be to preserve his identity. Dude did not even accept my Facebook friend request last year! I cannot imagine why!!!!

My favorite date of all was when I asked out this super special someone:

Continue reading

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What Am I DOING? Life is Super-Duper.

Yes. Life is super-duper today. To risk sounding like an old lady, I woke up with a huge painful knot in my back, then the first thing I did when I got to work was smash my finger. It’s all swollen and purple and it hurts to touch things. So between these two inconveniences, I’m not really doing anything today. And I’m pretty sure I only have one unfinished project right now (besides the super longterm ones from my first post).

It’s the socks!

I know, that background is amazing.

I haven’t done much work because I’ve prioritized Christmas presents over it. And I changed stitch suddenly, as you can see, because I learned a new one that I like. As I said, these aren’t going to match, and I don’t care. Continue reading

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Here, I got you this vintage Thanksgiving postcard.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I wanted to share with you a delightful vintage Thanksgiving postcard I found recently at a Provo antique store, postmarked 1910. Isn’t it lovely?

vintage thanksgiving postcardThanksgiving Greetings! Is that a giant pterodactyl wishbone over the turkey? Did pterodactyls even have wishbones? I’m not a scientist, so I feel confident saying yes. Yes, they did.

But let’s have a closer look at that turkey.

why the shocked look, Mr. Turkey?To me, it looks like the turkey is not willingly sending his greetings to the recipient (who, according to my deductive reasoning skills from the message on the back, was the sender’s brother who was on an LDS mission in England). Maybe the turkey is just flabbergasted by the giant pterodactyl wishbone hovering over him. Maybe he’s thinking about all the things he’s going to do with the modeling money he’s getting from this gig. Maybe, since it’s a Thanksgiving postcard, he’s thinking…


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